Monday, November 1, 2010

Crete by the end of the mycenae period - Antique Greece

Greece creteCrete is a Mediterranean island located southeast of the Peloponnese, and which sides act as the cut-off. They are dominated by three mountain ranges: Dhikti mountains to the east, which is not suitable for farming and its inhabitants live mainly from fishing, Idhi massif in the center of Levk on the west of the island. The only wider plain is Mesara in the south, the others likethat in Knos are very small. Moderately fertile soil of these plains were ideal for growing wheat, grapes and olives, while the mountainous land, partly covered with pine forest and cypress, were more suitable as a pasture for livestock or to obtain wood. Although the soil of Crete quality was not better than the other Aegean islands, is geographically accommodation helped to Crete soon occupy a privileged position. The island, situated halfway between Greece and Africa so that seafarers could easily came from their ports to the Nile delta, and also to Asia and the West, soon will be dedicated to commercial sailing. Cretans could easly sail along the Libyan coast or Cyprus which had rich metallic ores and even sail to the Syrian coast. Between the 1600th and 1400th BC Cretan fleet built of wood from their forests, was known all over the Aegean Sea and the island was an important force in the east and an ideal center for technical and economic ties that have emerged from the discovery of processing metal.
Mycenae map
Peculiarity of Crete consists from the fact that it is first island in the Aegean that had civilization,and later it was centar of art yet unprecedented in any substantive technical or the spiritual and aesthetic areas. There will pre-helen art and civilization soon developed better than anywhere else.Geographical  importance factor in this part was understandeble, but it doesn't tell you the ethnological factor,which due to decoding of pre-helen language,makes it much harder to understand. It is even likely that the Aegean world very early on made a Mediterranean or Asian language, and especially the national community that was neither Semitic nor Indo-European, but whose lines of ethnic and language match certain tribes and languages of Asia Minor.


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